Sunday, 16 March 2014

One thing leads to an other, to an other, to an other…

I haven’t thought about church and religion for years. I stopped going to church when I was around 9 years of age. My parents stopped going. Don’t know why. Both my grandfathers were Greek Orthodox priests. Three great uncles were also priests. So there had to be a good reason.

I was glad we didn’t go anymore for lots of reasons: I didn’t understand Greek; the priest was scary and I didn’t like the taste of wine either. Also, there were a lot of pictures to be kissed, a lot of candles to be bought, and a lot of donations to be given. Yep, I was happy to stay home and I didn’t give church another thought. Religion? Yes, but church? No. That is, until the other day when the Reformation was mentioned in Publishing class.
I decided that I would research it further, as a possible topic for the upcoming essay.
It so happens that Dr Martin Luther started it all with his posting on the Castle Church door ( I guess it was the blog site of choice back in 1517). More out of curiosity and less out of the need for academic thoroughness, I decided to check out his 95 Theses. Turns out, he hand-wrote them (funny that) in Latin. I read about three different translations and an easy-to-read chart which pointed out the differences between Catholics and Protestants. So there I was, at the computer taking notes and formulating my essay in my head, when bingo, light bulb moment, epiphany or whatever- I got why my parents stopped going to church.
As I said, ‘One thing leads to an other, to an other, to an other….’

Image sourced from ",_Schlosskirche,_Wittenberg,_GER,_.jpg"